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More for your guests

We do the thinking for you. Which is why we have prepared a special range of offerings that puts your guest first. And contributes added value to your event. And guarantees healthy pleasures – through food and different activities. What will you choose?

Brain Power Booster

With special food we guarantee that your participants will be rested and highly focussed throughout the event.

Optimise your skills

On the basis of an Mediterranean diet and their positive effects on the physical and mental capabilities, we have designed a Brain Power Booster programme for business guests and event organisers. It optimises each individual’s capabilities and consequently the ROI* of the event organisation.

How does food impact your brain?

The programme’s meals are composed of complex carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants. Complex carbohydrates are slowly processed by the liver, glucose is absorbed into the blood and consequently into the brain. This is why we call them “brain fuel”.

Fatty acids, especially Omega 6 and Omega 3, have a positive effect on the memory, while amino acids have a strong influence on neural connections in the brain, and hence the ability to concentrate and think. Antioxidants inhibit free radicals resulting from stress, poor nutrition and ageing. To maintain brain energy and concentration, we also take care of morning meditation, breathing exercises, brain Power Booster breaks, lunches and massages that improve the individual’s well-being and abilities.

About the Brain Power Booster programme

  • The introductory evening is designed in such a way that the guests can acclimatize to the local environment as easily as possible, while our choice of dishes contribute to a good and refreshing sleep.
  • The day starts with meditation led by our Ayurvedic expert, to focus the spirit and prepare it for work challenges.
    It is followed by a Brain Power Booster breakfast to provide the brain with sufficient energy.
  • Before the beginning of the lecture, workshops are conducted by an Ayurvedic expert, who takes the participants through shortbreathing exercises to a level of deep concentration – into the so-called alpha state.
  • To maintain brain power and concentration until the evening, we take care of Brain Power Booster coffee breaks and Brain Power Booster lunches.
  • The programme can be customised and individual elements can be added or removed.

Brain Power Booster breakfast

The Brain Power Booster programme will provide you with individual dishes and ingredients that affect your energy, memory and performance throughout the day.

You can choose and enjoy lentils in salads with vegetables and mackerel, nuts, wholegrain chocolate muffins, berry coulis (organic), various nuts (Indian, Brazilian, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts), extra virgin olive oil from Slovenian Istria, sesame oil, argan oil, gravad lax with peppercorn sauce and soy and wheat germ, wild black rice with avocados, garlic shrimp, cod on polenta, fruit (pineapple, melon, kiwi, grapes, oranges), omelettes in a big pan with young spinach, mushrooms and cherry brandy, oatmeal with cocoa (organic), various 100% fruit and vegetable juices with added spirulina, wheat grass and chlorella.

Good morning and enjoy your meal!

Spend your leisure time being active

Are you in the mood for a sports activity in the fresh air? Maybe this is the time that you need to rest and gather new energy? Try our extensive range of leisure activities and pampering.

Pick an activity or relaxation activity that suits you

  • Treat yourself to a therapeutic treatment at Terme Portorož
  • Pamper yourself in the spa centres
  • Relax at the attractive Sauna Park 
  • Swim in pools with heated sea water
  • Immerse yourself in the thermomineral water
  • Choose a break at the Meduza luxurious beach
  • Relax on the sunny terrace
  • Taste the healthy desserts at Café Central

Activities that strengthen ties among co-workers

For spending leisure time outside of the Portorož hotels, various programmes for sports and recreation are available, half-day or full day sight-seeing excursions in Slovenia and the neighbouring countries, boat trips, picnics, rustic restaurant visits, and special incentives and team-building programmes for groups.

Team building activities

With the cooperation of external collaborators, we organise incentives and team-building activities that undoubtedly awaken the participant’s feeling of belonging and make a strong impression:

  • Sailing boat regattas
  • Sailing centre
  • Fishing and preparing the catch the Mediterranean way
  • Treasure hunt in Piran
  • Olive picking
  • Salt harvesting at the Sečovlje salt pans
  • Sports experiences – kayaking in the
  • Salt pans, SUP along the Bay of Piran, paintball ...

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