
Four Paws on Holiday

Your four-legged friend also deserves an unforgettable holiday

Room amenities

Just like you, your four-legged friend deserves to be pampered and comfortable. For a comfortable holiday on four paws, you will be welcomed in your room with a set consisting of a water bowl, a food bowl and a dog mattress.

Breakfast with your four-legged friend

Start your day with a delicious breakfast in good company. We've set up a breakfast area in front of the hotel restaurant for guests of Hotel Mirna 4* and their four-legged friends to enjoy breakfast together.

Dog beach where humans are welcome

Just a 15-minute walk from the LifeClass Hotels is Monty's Dog Beach & Bar - the most beautiful dog beach around. It offers plenty of shade and refreshment for dogs and people alike. The most active dogs can release their energy at the agility park or jumping into the sea from the jetty and swimming.

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