Summer is just around the corner. Now is the time to take care of yourself.
The time for your body to be pampered and relaxed, to awaken it and prepare it for the summer. This is a great opportunity to boost your immune system, cleanse your body of toxins, restore the glow of your skin and put on a swimsuit with absolute confidence. Not sure how to achieve this in such a short time? We have some suggestions for you.

How will a vacation in a hotel look like after the end of the epidemic?
After two months of quarantine, you can finally relax and start planning your summer vacation. It will certainly be different than you have been used to so far. Excessive concern is nonetheless unnecessary because as providers of tourist accommodation, we will take care of your safety. Read about the measures we have taken to ensure this at LifeClass hotels.

Plan an unforgettable holiday in advance
Summer is at the door. Are you inundated with a flood of offers for various destinations and hotel accommodation, wondering how to start planning your holiday? We have prepared 7 tips for you to help you with this.

From a wild beach under flysch cliffs to an exclusive holiday under umbrellas
You do not have to go to the other side of the world to enjoy a beautiful beach, as there are quite a few in our part of the Mediterranean. You can visit the Bele Skale beach if you prefer wilderness, but if you want to be pampered on the beach with an exclusive offering of food, drinks and various activities, Meduza beach is the right choice for you. We have prepared some suggestions for you on the beaches to visit on the Slovenian coast.